Delegate & Empower

It is invariably true, that whenever I meet a family business owner or leader that grumbles about everything under the sun, including how his or her managers are not doing enough to push the company forward, the end result is that more than his or her managers or colleagues, the main problem is himself or …

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Burned out Family Business Owners & Leaders

The external environments has been challenging in recent years between COVID, supply chain issues, inflation, changing consumer trends, ever tight labour markets and the list goes on. Add to that the fact that many family business owners and leaders are still stuck too an operational way of doing things whereby they would want to be …

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Strategic Planning: Where to start from?

As presented during the family business conference last week, one about one third of family businesses in Malta have a written strategic plan which is regularly reviewed. This statistic then changes depending on the level of corporate governance found in family businesses. Those family businesses with a board of directors that include independent non-executive directors, …

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The Foundations of a successful family business transition

Research from the world acclaimed US family business researcher, Joe Astrachan, points out that the success of a generational transition of family business rests first and foremost on a mixture of good corporate governance and proper family governance. Hence the three main key and foundational aspects on which a successful generational family business transition needs …

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